Is it possible to print food through Additive Manufacturing (3D printing)?

3D printing technology can create foods with personalized nutritional profiles, tailored in texture, flavor, and shape to individual dietary needs.

Categories: Additive Manufacturing & 3D Printing, Design & Geometries, Materials & Products, Nutrition & Dietary Needs, Sectors & Applications, Sustainability & Efficiency, Technology & Tools

3D printing technology can create foods with personalized nutritional profiles, tailored in texture, flavor, and shape to individual dietary needs. For example, foods with specific vitamins, proteins, and carbohydrates can be printed for athletes, patients (e.g., dysphagia), or children. The #INOV.AM agenda is studying the development of 3D-printed food products, making use of additional nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, and by-products from the agro-industry, thus contributing to nutrient bioavailability and transforming food waste into perfectly edible food.

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Tags: 3D printing technology, 3D-printed food products, athletes, by-products from the agro-industry, carbohydrates, children, dietary needs, dysphagia, flavor, food waste, INOVAM agenda, minerals, nutrient bioavailability, nutrients, patients, personalized nutritional profiles, proteins, shape, texture, vitamins
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