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PPS04 – Hybrid Manufacturing Systems for Molds and Tools

PPS04 - Hybrid Manufacturing Systems for Molds and Tools

PPS04 aims to have available by the end of the agenda with TRL7, hybrid metal production systems (systems capable of additive and subtractive manufacturing in a single manufacturing system) for the repair and/or manufacturing of specific structures in molds and tools, originating from WPs 8, 9, and 10 (at least 3 new hybrid manufacturing systems).

  • WP8 – Portable, lightweight system that combines additive and subtractive manufacturing (and/or dimensional finishing) for quick and precise repair and alteration of molds.
  • WP9 – Robotized manufacturing cell for laser deposition and machining.
  • WP10 – Hybrid manufacturing cell based on extrusion and machining processes.

Related Work-Packages (WPs)

Entities Involved

Inov.AM - Inovação em Fabricação Aditiva

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