PPS02 – Materials for Additive Manufacturing

PPS02 - Materials for Additive Manufacturing

The PPS2 outputs involve the production of specific materials for additive manufacturing, considering various additive manufacturing technologies, including Material Extrusion and Powder Bed Fusion. Materials with TRL7 will be produced and tested within WPs 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, and 21 (at least 11 new materials):

WP1: Natural-origin material for AM
WP2: Coating suitable for polymeric and/or metallic AM materials to enhance hybrid mold performance
WP9: Functional coatings for polymeric AM products, hydrophobic, anti-fog, and scratch-resistant
WP9: Metal meta-materials
WP10: Composites with metallic and ceramic fillers
WP11: Metallic powders for Powder Bed Fusion technology
WP12: Recyclable thermoplastic matrix composites for manufacturing large molds
WP12: Composites for additive manufacturing of natural-origin thermoplastic matrices
WP13: Recyclable/fiber-based composites for transportation structures
WP16: Ceramic materials in paste and atomized form for AM
WP17: Materials for producing ceramic products based on red clay
WP19: Adjusted and optimized mortars for construction through AM and plasters for finishing and coating production
WP20: Wood and cork-based materials for AM
WP20: Bio-based binders among others for bonding aggregates and wood leaves
WP21: Materials, nutrients for deposition and AM of food.

Related Work-Packages (WPs)

Entities Envolved

Inov.AM - Inovação em Fabricação Aditiva
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